Serving Abused Children in Southernmost Illinois
109 Denny Dr.
Anna, IL 62906

Phone: (618) 833-7470
Fax: (618) 833-7579

8:30am - 4:00pm  Monday - Friday​​
Two Rivers CAC is an IRS 501(c)(3)
Non-Profit Organization.
Contributions are tax deductible.
Two Rivers Child Advocacy Center has been providing services for abused children in Southern Illinois since 2001. Our goal is to lessen the trauma that children endure after they disclose that they have been abused. Two Rivers uses the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) Model to provide a safe, ​child friendly environment ​
​for children to talk about what ​happened. The CAC model ​
​is designed to coordinate a multi-disciplinary ​approach ​to
​the investigation and prosecution of child abuse, while
​keeping the child victim the priority​. Two Rivers provides
​follow-up ​care and support ​to children and their families,
​as well as ​community education.

How can you help?

Two Rivers is always looking for volunteers over
​the age of 18 to help serve children at the center.
​Please call us at 618-833-7470 to set up an
​appointment to apply to be a volunteer.

Two Rivers accepts one intern each semester. We 
are looking for individuals enrolled in an accredited
university program​ related to Child Advocacy.​ Please
call us at 618-833-7470 to speak to our staff ​about
​applying to be an intern.​​

​​We are always in need of the following items:

      ​• Juice boxes and bottled water
      • Individually wrapped snacks​
      • New, small stuffed animals such as Beanie Babies​
      • Copy paper
      • Small fidgets
      • Journals

Check out our Amazon Wishlist link below!  This is an easy way to donate from the comfort of your own home.​​

​​​Group Donation Drives:
We accept donations from groups such as clubs, fraternities and sororities, institutions, ect. Donation items can be gathered through donation drives run by your organization and then brought to the CAC. These items can include hygiene products, new small stuffed animals, individually wrapped snacks and drinks, or small toys: such as fidgets and pop-its. Please call us at 618-833-7470 to speak to staff about setting up a donation drive. 
The CAC is funded in part by government grants but also relies on private donations.
​If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, you can do so via:

​​ • ​PayPal at
 • ​Drop it at the center or mail it to us at: 109 Denny Dr. Anna, IL. 62906. 

We thank you for any donation.​​

Two Rivers CAC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or socioeconomic status in any of its activities, including but not limited to hiring and firing of staff, selection of vendors, and provision of services.

Two Rivers CAC is an equal opportunity employer​.  Two Rivers CAC will not discriminate against an employee or job applicant for employment because of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression or other non-job related factors in hiring, promoting, demoting, training, benefits, layoffs, terminations, recommendations, rates of pay or other forms of compensation.  Opportunity is provided to all employees based on qualifications and job requirements.

If you believe you have been discriminated against, you may file a complaint with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.  Complaint forms can be found at or by contacting the Authority's Civil Rights Officer at (312) 793-8550.​